
Five by Five Rule

This quote is more commonly known as the “Five by Five Rule.” As an athlete this quote plays a large role in my life because it helps me move on from errors I make in a game. However, I apply this quote in my life outside of the softball field, such as failing a quiz or making a fool of myself in front of people. This quote humbles myself, and helps me calm down when I am frustrated or worried. Now especially, it is very easy to only focus on the negative things in life, however this quote may help get over small things that happen. 

Due to the fact that I am stuck home this semester, I have taken the opportunity to start building my resume, and this semester I am assistant coaching my high school softball team. They are ranked in the top 15 teams in the state, however this past week they lost their first game. Many players were down and very frustrated after the game, but I told them the Five by Five rule. I hope that the players will find the power behind this quote that I have over the years.

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